Monday, December 22, 2014

Life Gets in the way.. The necessity of being prepared

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Sometimes, life has a way of sending us off in a direction we weren't expecting. It doesn't matter how good your intentions are, sometimes, things happen that lead us off course.

I wanted to get a jump start on losing weight, eating healthier, quitting smoking. I didn't want it to feel like resolution, the truth is, it just so happens to be that time of year as I awake from the funk I have been I since moving across the country again. I have good days and bad days, good weeks and worse weeks, but for the most part, my head is together and I want to start living again, not just surviving or just merely existing.

I already talked about wanting to get back into doing the things that I love.. I joined some meetup groups. It is a great way to get out of the house and meet some people with similar interests.

Now, since a lot of my favorite things to do require sunlight and outside, winter is not necessarily the best time to get my act together. However, I can concentrate on getting other areas of my life together, this will make it easier to enjoy myself when spring hits.

I planned to start eating healthier and working out. My intentions are good, I promise! I recently read some books on diet and fitness (Not that I don't know what I am eating is bad for me, but I am a voracious learner and always interested in the latest). I am was really interested in the latest information I can find.

So, come hell or high water, I truly intend to find 7 minutes over the next few weeks, so that I can try this workout and see if it really works. And there in lies the intention behind this blog post.. Preparation.

Many people say they don't have the time to workout and I have never been an exception to that. They say we make time for the things that are important to us, so I need to make time for my own health and well being.

So, how do you prepare for a workout? Here is my plan:

1. Pack a Bag - When I was in the military, we always had to have a go-bag or deployment bag ready. This way, at any given time, if called upon, we could be ready at a moment's notice, to pick up our bag and go. We would even get inspected on these bags, randomly on occasion. So, I kept my bag ready at all times, that way I was never caught off guard. I purchased extra uniforms, underwear, toiletries etc., these items belonged in my go bag and I would never have to scrounge for stuff at the last minute. Many people with a good workout regimen, follow the same idea, their gym bag has it's own set of gym shoes, blow dryer, toiletries, etc.  So, my new gym bag is going to be my go bag, I intend to keep it in my car, this way, I can grab it whenever the opportunity arises, no excuses, my bag is ready to go.

2. Schedule it! - We can't find time to work out, so we need to plan it just like any other appointment that is important to us. So, go ahead, put it on your calendar, it is only 7 minutes, at least for my intended workout for the next few weeks. In addition to my 7 minutes of weight training, I intend to walk that poor dog of mine who needs some good, healthy exercise. So, I am going to put it on my calendar. I am using my google calendar with reminders, that way my phone can text me and remind me to get to it!

There is a great little gym at my office, right across the hall, I only need to find 7 minutes or so to get in there and get out and do what I need to do, that should be easy enough, right? I packed my bag, so, I can't use this as an excuse and I put it on my calendar, with text reminders, so I cannot forget to get to it.

Next up, eating healthy, this one is a lot more tricky and a lot more easy to blow off if you are not prepared in advance.

The best way to prepare for eating well is to plan in advance. You can't very well pack a go-bag of food, or can you? Well, how about we pack a little bag with healthy snacks and bottled water, this way, when life does get in the way, we are at least somewhat prepared to fuel up the tank. Think of it like your gas can, just in case you need fuel for energy. The diet I have chosen to follow is focused mostly on all natural, nutritious, raw food sources. This is a little more difficult to prepare for, but not impossible. So, I am going to pack some almond butter, almonds and other things that fit into my diet plan.

The next best way to plan is more preparation. By meal planning, shopping ahead and packing lunches, you can prevent those last minute hunger pangs. So, Over the next few days, I also plan to take a look at how to plan my meals, that will make my life easy, fit into my schedule and set myself up for success.

What do you use to prepare for working out and eat right? Share your ideas...


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